207-232-7174 info@cemenemba.org

CeMeNEMBA Board Meeting Minutes
Bond Brook, Augusta
August 6, 2019

The Central Maine chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meting on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at the Bond Brook Recreation area, at 7pm.  Board members present included Chris Riley, president; Disa, Frank, Matt Swann, Ryan, Ted Scharf, Tracey Allen, Renee, and Garry.

Chris expressed his gratitude for everyone stepping up while he was away.  The board acknowledged Chris for staying in touch while he and his family were on their adventure.

Treasurer’s report.  Justin was unable to provide a complete report.  The bank account stands at just over $15,000.  We have outstanding bills of approximately $3,000, mostly for trail crew.  The Titcomb Mountain women’s clinic grossed about $1700, with expenses of about $700.  Have not yet received Treadfest revenue, which will be less than lst year.

New treasurer.  The board discussed several possible candidates for a new treasurer/board member to replace Justin.  Geographic coverage would suggest someone from the Waterville area, if possible.  Chris will approach the suggested candidates in turn to see if there is any interest.

Treadfest Debrief.  Discussed what worked and didn’t work for Treadfest this year.  Some concern that the event is becoming stale.  Some sponsors aren’t giving as much. It was suggested that we look into rotating the event among Mt. Appetite (Auburn), Quarry Road (Waterville), and Bond Brook (Augusta.)  Also, might consider a survey of riders.  Discussed the issue of some riders going off course, and the kerfuffle that caused. 

Trails updates/needs.  The summer trail crew has been out and about, mostly doing routine maintenance such as cutting brush, weed wacking and leaf blowing.  The crew has ranged from one to three people per day, most days.  Probably averaging 1 ½ to 2 workers per day.  In addition, many volunteers have stepped up to work on their local trails.  As a result, most of the network is in very good shape.  Volunteers should use the online app to record their time.  This is important for applying for grants and other purposed.

Upgrades underway at Quarry Road and Coburn Woods.  Upgrades planned for Mt. Appetite.  We have applied for grants for Mt. Appetite and the Allen-Whitney Forest.  The A-W grant would be used to improve the flow of the New Trail, and other similar improvements.  Both grants require one for one matching through in-kind contributions.

Chris is working with the Titcomb Mountain group, and may ask to join Augusta trails as a board member.

Winter biking. Discussed options for winter fat biking, and trail maintenance.  Roxy Rand may still be available using a different access point.  Other options include The Allen-Whitney Forest (Manchester), and KLT’s newly acquired Surrey Hill property in Fayette.  Decided not to pursue the purchase of any additional equipment, but rather to support grooming efforts financially. 

2019 Odyssey ride.  The 2019 end of summer season Odyssey ride was scheduled for October 19th.  Might try to find a way to use the Odyssey ride to support winter trail grooming efforts.  Need to find a venue for the party.  Several options were suggested, and will be explored. 

New logo. Briefly reviewed draft options for a new logo.  More work to be done.

Next meeting. The next board meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 1 at a location to be determined.


Garry Hinkley, Sec.


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