The Central Maine chapter of NEMBA (CeMeNEMBA) is a dedicated, enthusiastic group making a difference for locals and folks from away who enjoy mountain biking on the growing network of trails in Central Maine. Our mission is to “build it, bike it” for trail lovers like yourself!
In addition to the work in the Augusta/Hallowell/Waterville area where our chapter was born, our recent efforts have expanded to trail projects and membership has grown to include both Farmington and the Lewiston/Auburn area. We have seen a growth in our membership in these regions and are expanding our reach to help grow these various trail systems. Plans for 2017 include expanded growth at Quarry Road in Waterville, Bond Brook in Augusta, and the beginning of a 3 phase project at Mt. Apetite that will see the revival of old trails as well as exploration of potential new trails. Additionally our volunteers will be working to continue trail expansion at The Kennebec Highlands, Pine Ridge in Waterville, and the Allen-Whitney Preserve in Manchester.
We need your help to continue our efforts. You can support our local trail efforts in a number of ways:
~ Renew your CeMeNEMBA membership or if you’re not a member, please join us today
~ Make a tax-deductible contribution
~ Help us during one of our numerous trail days this summer
If you enjoy mountain biking in Central Maine, please join CeMeNEMBA today!
Build it, Bike it!!
NEW BYLAWS as of MARCH 2017:
BYLAWS of the Central Maine Chapter of
The New England Mountain Bike Association
Name and Purpose. The name of this organization shall be the Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association, hereafter CeMENEMBA. CeMENEMBA is a chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association, hereafter NEMBA. All matters not covered by these bylaws shall be governed by NEMBA’s bylaws, or by Roberts rules of Order. In the event of a conflict between bylaws, the NEMBA’s bylaws shall prevail.
CeMENEMBA’s service area includes all of Kennebec and Androscoggin counties, as well as parts of Franklin and Somerset counties in central Maine.
CeMENEMBA is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable trail access for mountain bicyclists, and to maintaining the trails on which mountain bikers ride in the Central Maine area. CeMENEMBA supports the conservation of open spaces and is committed to educating mountain bicyclists to ride sensitively and responsibly in order to protect the natural environment and the experience of other trail users. Toward these ends, CeMENEMBA has the following goals
Activities and Programs. To provide its members and the general public with opportunities to care for and recreate on Central Maine open spaces. We offer trail maintenance work days, stewardship, educational programs and family activities designed to promote the responsible use of public trails by mountain bikers.
Environmental Protection. To provide leadership in the protection and preservation of the environment by advocating the development of informed public policy and by encouraging the establishment and management of protected land and water areas within CeMENEMBA’s geographical area.
Organization. To provide an organization to manage CeMENEMBA’s facilities and programs, encourage public respect for the environment and mountain biking, offer CeMENEMBA’s expertise to others, and support individual contributions in realizing CeMENEMBA’s goals.
Membership. CeMENEMBA membership is open to anyone who joins NEMBA, pays annual NEMBA membership dues, and declares CeMENEMBA as their home chapter. Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, serve on committees, and to attend and speak at any Board meetings and functions.
Board of Directors. CeMENEMBA policy decision making is vested in the Board of Directors. Board of Directors shall consist of between seven and eleven members in addition to officers. Members shall be chosen from the membership by the current Board members. At least three members shall reside in Kennebec County, at least one in Androscoggin County, and at least one in Franklin or Somerset County. A member shall continue to serve on the Board until such time as the member may resign, fail to maintain membership, or is removed for cause by a 2/3 vote of Board members present at a meeting called for that specific purpose.
Duties of the Board. The Board shall elect all officers. Officers shall consist of President; 1st Vice President; 2-3 Vice Presidents dedicated to regional zones as necessary; Secretary; and Treasurer. Elections shall be held annually. The first meeting of the calendar year shall be designated as the election meeting. An Officer must be a member in good standing, but need not be a Board member to be elected. Vacancies shall be filled by election at a meeting called to fill such vacancies.
Annually, the Board shall adopt a budget, prior to January 1. The Board shall approve all expenditures in excess of $250. CeMENEMBA’s fiscal year shall be January to December.
The Board may enter into agreements and contracts, and may accept gifts and grants. The Board may authorize the purchase or rent of supplies, materials, tools and equipment necessary to carry out CeMENEMBA’s mission.
The Board may authorize and sanction regular and special events consistent with the organization’s mission.
The Board shall meet at least semi-annually. The President may call additional meetings as may be necessary and desirable. In addition, a meeting may be called by any five board members by giving proper notice. Robert’s Rules of Order or other recognized parliamentary guide shall govern meeting procedure.
A notice of a Board meeting must be made at least seven days in advance. Notice may be made by email, text, social media posting, or by telephone. The notice shall include the meeting date, time and place, and should include an agenda. Meetings should be held at a location convenient to a majority of the Board, and must be held in CeMENEMBA’s geographic service area. A majority of Board members physically present constitutes a quorum. Notwithstanding, a Board member may participate and vote by telephone or electronic communication.
The Board may discuss and vote on routine matters by electronic means.
President. The President shall preside at all meetings at which he or she is present, prepare draft budgets, agendas, and reports, represent CeMENEMBA, and generally direct CeMENEMBA’s work. The President shall appoint members to committees and working groups and designate committee chairs. The President shall direct the calling of meetings, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President, in consultation with the Treasurer, may authorize expenditures of up to $250.
1st Vice President. The 1st vice president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, and shall perform all duties and shall have all powers of the President in case of absence or incapacity of the President. The 1st Vice president shall perform such other duties as the President may assign.
2nd – 3rd Vice president. The officers shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President or 1st Vice president. They shall live in a different county than the 1st Vice president. They shall perform such other duties as the President may assign.
Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings, and shall send copies of the minutes of meetings to the President. The Secretary shall perform such other duties the President may assign. Meeting minutes will be posted to the website by the President upon review.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep and report all CeMENEMBA financial records, track the budget, insure that the appropriate authorizing signatures are secured on all bills, and shall perform such other duties required by law, or as the President assigns. The Treasurer shall track all project expenses in order to comply with any grant requirements.
Trail Master. The Trail Master shall have overall responsibility for reviewing trail conditions, opening and closing trails due to local conditions, planning and organizing maintenance and improvement projects, projecting budget items related to trails, and maintaining tool and equipment lists.
Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by the Board at any regular meeting of the Board at which the proposed amendment receives a two-thirds vote of those attending, provided written notice of the intent to amend is sent to each member of the Board at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the proposed action is to be taken. Any amendment shall be effective immediately unless an alternative effective date is adopted by majority vote.
Adopted by the Board on March 7, 2017 at Augusta, ME.
Garry Hinkley, Sec.