CeMENEMBA Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2020
The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meeting on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 6pm at the Bond Brook Recreation Area in Augusta. The meeting was held outdoors, maintaining proper social distancing. Officers and members present included Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa Federowicz, VP; Matt Swan, VP; Frank Jalbert, VP; Leslie Wilson, treasurer; Garry Hinkley, Sec.; Tracy Allen; Ryan Walker; Ian Ogilive; Ted Scharf; Brian Alexander; and Renee Brezovsky.
Treasurer’s report. Leslie reported a current balance of $19, 332.49. We are about to receive the $100,000 anonymous donation. In addition, we are expecting a $6600 grant from Specialized Bikes and $1,000 from Allspeed Bike shop. Leslie will explore putting the $100,000 donation into one or more CDs.
There have been some miscellaneous and recurring donations, as well as swag sales. Rusty Cranks from Brunswicks has donated $200 multiple times over the summer., and the Bogar family gave $700. Total cash on hand, not counting the anonymous donation is approximately $27,000 as a current balance.
Leslie reported that we spent $34,310 this summer on trail crew and trail materials. Approximately $30,000 was for labor, and remainder was for materials and other expenses.
Chris noted that the hats are in, and that we need more swag to sell as we head into the fall/winter.
Confirmed that we need to reimburse Josh Staples and Brian Alexander for last winter’s grooming. We previously authorized up to $3,000 for this purpose.
Trail crew. The trail crew, under Will Libby’s direction, did a great job this summer. We had several members come and go, but the work got done. Starting pay for trail crew is $12.50. Motion was made by Ted and seconded by Ryan that next year we would institute a progressive pay scale. Pay would be increased by $1/hour after each one hundred hours worked. Motion passed unanimously.
Chris noted that Will did an outstanding job and is truly well suited for all aspects of our mission and leading the crew. Chris is considering options for employing Will throughout the year on an as needed basis.
Trail projects.
Mt. Apatite is approximately 90% done.
Titcomb is mostly done, with some minor work to be done on the Kids’ section. Chris had Jean-Luc Theriault update the map for Titcomb denoting the expanded trail system. The Vining Company donated approximately 40 yards of custom aggregate for Titcomb. We are really fortunate to have such generosity in our network.
Quarry Road may be in for a significant expansion of the trail system in the future. More information to follow as we get information.
Highlands A Trail extension work should start this fall. Brian has scouted routes for significant expansion. We will likely put the Signature grant funds aside and start building in earnest in 2021, with the hope that we will have more funding available for this project at the time it starts.
York Hill. Brian noted that the Duncans allowed us to park in their field last winter. Brian circulated a thank you card. Motion to give them $100 in appreciation. Ted/Ryan. Unanimous.
Odyssey ride. Odyssey will be October 16 and 17. Since we lost our regular fund raising events this year, we discussed the possibility of making the Odyssey a registration fund raising event. Teams would compete for the most miles and trails, with the focus on the “challenge” rather than crowning winners. The event will be staged at Bond Brook with services provided. Proceeds will support our winter grooming efforts. We will need volunteers to staff the BB facilities.
Next meeting. Our next meeting will be Monday, November 2nd at 6pm via Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82587581936
Respectfully submitted,
Garry Hinkley, Sec.