CeMENEMBA Regular Board Meeting
September 4th, 2018
Bond Brook Recreational Area, Augusta
The central Maine chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meeting on September 4th, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Bond Brook Recreational Area, Augusta. Board members present were Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa, Ian, Rene, Justin L, Ryan, Brian Alexander, Ted Scharf, Frank, Tracy Allen, and Garry Hinkley.
Treasurer’s Report. Justin Reported cash on hand of $21,830. The balance as of 6/5/18 was $32,512, making expenditures for the summer $10,682. No additional income for the period. Expenses mainly were for the trail crew, mostly for the Mt. Apatite project. Additional revenues, mostly from Treadfest have been received and will be reported on the next report. The net for Treadfest 2018 was approximately $1500 more than previous years. This was due primarily to controlling expenses.
Chris reported that NEMBA is being audited by the IRS (routine), and it is imperative to have our records in order.
Coburn Woods. Ted made a motion to confirm our vote by email to donate $1200 toward the Coburn Woods project. Justin seconded. The vote was 10-0 in favor with Brian abstaining. The donation was used to match the Trustees’ donation.
Trails Report. The trail crew had a productive summer in spite of the heat. We spent approximately $15,368 on trail work including salaries and equipment rental. It amounted to 16.5 days of machine work and 849 hours of trail crew labor. Approximately $10,000 was spent on the 1.4 mile Signature Trail flow at Mt. Apatite. Need to do some additional work to finish and to buff up other Mt. A trails (Blue Trail.)
Bond Brook needs some buffing and TLC.
Pine Ridge Kids’ loop is nearly finished and is riding well.
A-Trail and Minehonk Lake loops have been expanded and upgraded. Nearly every trail system has received some attention. Mt. Apatite received 55% of hours, and Titcomb about 26%.
We have the use of a 16X16 tool shed at Titcomb, donated by a local contractor and owned by the Ski Area. This will allow us to store our northern zone tools.
Odyssey Ride. Motion by Ted/Disa, to set the date for the Odyssey ride for October 20th, with the gathering at Titcomb.
Fundraising. Chris proposed a possible fundraising event whereby people or organizations sponsor a trail project for a day or a week by donation. Sponsor would get to select where the money is spent.
Winter Grooming. Agreed in principle to support financially some limited winter grooming probably at Lake Auburn and Belgrade areas. Also agreed in principle to continue to support local snowmobile clubs.
Next meeting. November 13th at a location TBD.
Respectfully submitted,
Garry Hinkley, Sec.