207-232-7174 info@cemenemba.org



*CeMe App – What to Build?  Guest speaker Brian Cooley- Gilliom

We were joined by local rider, and app developer to discuss the idea of creating a phone app for our chapter.

Ideas for useful tools:

  • Tracking volunteerism hours and photos
  • Tracking trail projects and work that is needed.  Ideas floated around a rider being able to take a picture and having it geo-tag the image and the rider being able to leave a short note about the perceived need.
  • Donation stream – making it easier for people to make trail donations.  Possibility of donations being trail system specific.
  • Membership reminders
  • Events/calendar/rides – reminder.  After some discussion it was decided that this would likely be a good place to focus initial efforts.  If the app were to push notifications to the user regarding weekly ride reminders, trail days, and other events it might be very useful.
  • Meet-Up feature: a way for users to schedule rides together.  (most already use FB for this)


1) Treasurers Report –

Cash on hand: $17,000 as of last deposit.

  • Most of our trail building expenses came due in the months of September and October.   Total: $11969.50. Majority of this was for the trail crew and for excavator work.
  • Justin’s observations:
    1. Trail crew expenses came in all at the end of the years.  We could do a better job at helping them get their time and invoices in with more regularity rather than all at once at the end of the season.   We can easily create an invoice template that they can use that will be based upon the spreadsheet of hours/tasks that we currently use to keep track of the work that is being done.
    2. During the last month + we had no funds coming in.  We should look at passive fundraising methods such as QR codes that link to paypal.  Other ideas?
    3. We received recent generous donations from, Allison Dulac, Rainboy Bicycles, Maine Cycling Club and Brian Cooley – Gilliom.  Chris to send thank you letters.

2) Trail Updates –

> Signage is still ongoing.  The hope is to finish “You are here” signs for both Pine Ridge and Mt. Apatite over the next couple months.  Realistically these will be done over the winter and put in place on foot or via fat bike.

> Bond Brook still needs a long boardwalk / bog bridge to connect the new trail that runs along the fence and connects 6-Back and Lizard.  

> Pine Ridge starting to see some significant “rootiness” in areas.  Spring workday there would be good to bring back the flow in some key areas.

3) Who is taking lead on upcoming events while Chris is on sabbatical?

> Spring Social : Disa and Ian

> Tread Fest : Justin and Ryan

> Women’s Clinic: Tracey Allen

Chris will create a document for each event that helps people plan.

4) Fundraising ideas for 2019

As we are now at the end of our 3 year grant cycle with the Onion foundation we need to be thinking creatively about how to replace those funds in other ways if we wish to continue with our trail crew in future summers.

  • Recently one of our members suggested a “Sponsor a trail crew” concept where a donor could select an amount they wish to donate, and then select the trail system where they wish for their donation to be used.   BOD agreed to try it out for 2019.
    1. $15 – 1 trail crew for 1 hour / $60 1 trail crew for ½ sday / $120 1 trail crew for 1 day / $360 entire crew for full day / $350 mini excavator for 1 day / $1260 trail crew for a week / $1400 mini-ex for a week.
  • Spring Auction: This event has grown every year and has a great deal of potential for fundraising.   We should start soliciting for auction items earlier and find a really cool location that will be fun for all.

5) Toy Run – CeMe will host first ever Toys for Tots bike ride this December.  

6) Board voted to make Renee Brezovsky an official member.  We now have a full board with representation from all our geographic areas.

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