CeMENEMBA Board Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2021
The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meeting on Monday, May 10th, at 7:30 pm via Zoom.
Board members present included: Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa Fedorowicz. VP; Matt Swan, VP; Frank Jalbert, VP.; Leslie Wilson, treas.; Garry Hinkley, Sec.; Ted Scharf, Ryan Walker, Ian Ogilvie, and Renee Brezovsky. Guests included Brian Alexander and Josh Staples.
Treasurer’s report. Leslie reported a bank balance as of April 30 of $128,056.56. This included approximately $90,000 of restricted (dedicated) funds and over $37,000 in unrestricted funds that will be used to fund 2021 trail crew and projects/events. Leslie submitted the monthly bank statement, balance sheet and P&L statement which were filed and are available upon request.
Kerns Hill Connector trail. Chris reported that the Town of Manchester had authorized up to $13,400 in town funds to complete the 1 ½ mile Kerns Hill Connector loop trail connecting the Res via the junkyard onto town of Manchester property adjacent to Kerns Hill road. In addition, the National Park Service, through its, Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program, may provide up to $2400 for the project. The project is Phase 1 of a potentially larger project to build trails on town properties adjacent to the Pipeline road. The plan is to submit an RTP grant later this year to fund phase 2. Work has begun on the KHC project, pursuant to the Manchester-CeMENEMBA MOU.
Winter Grooming followup. Leslie needs documentation submitted to reimburse groomers. We previously authorized up to $3,000 for winter grooming (Sept. 14, 2020 minutes). Discussed the possibility of purchasing a snowmobile and other equipment to groom YHF. Brian will explore options. It was noted that now is a good time to buy a used sled.
We previously authorized a $100 gift to the parking lot owners. Chris to follow up.
Lost Valley returned the proceeds from the lift event to be used to upgrade the Brocktown winter trails. The trails need some machine work to facilitate grooming and to allow earlier access. This work will be done in the fall in anticipation of winter. Goal of this work is to make it easier to groom these trail with less snow and start toward a year round trail system.
Proceeds from the fall auction and 2021 Odyssey likely will be dedicated to winter maintenance and equipment purchases.
Titcomb. Chris applied for grant for Titcomb improvements. Unfortunately, we did not win it.
Mt. Appatite. Chris noted that the City of Auburn may authorize up to $30,000 for additional work at Mt. Appatite, specifically to extend Carrie On and connect it to Signature.
Treadfest is June 19th. Chris is looking for various assistance in setting up and running the event. There are 118 pre-registrations. Most of the board members and guests volunteered to assist in various ways. Josh is looking into getting a food vendor.
WNRs. Chris would like assistance leading the rotating Wednesday Night Rides. It would be good if different people could step up and lead the rides. This would include probably posting the ride, choosing the route, and leading. Ted volunteered to lead the next ride at Bond brook. In addition, there will be a regular WNR at Mt. A. in Auburn.
Trail crew. We have an experienced trail crew returning under crew leader Will Libby. The crew likely often will be split among different projects to maximize efficiency.. Chris suggested buying the crew T-shirts to increase visibility and support cohesiveness. Ryan moved the purchase of 20 T-shirts. Leslie seconded. Motion passed.
App. Discussed the recent problems with the CeMENEMBA app. Steps will be taken to correct.
Bond Brook. Chris noted that MDOT is considering authorizing the siting of a solar array on the airport property adjacent to Bond Brook. This would affect (and possibly destroy) Lizard and Dragon. MDOT has not been very cooperative to date. We will continue to pursue options.
Next meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday July 20th at 7pm at Bond Brook.
Respectfully submitted,
Garry Hinkley, Sec.