207-232-7174 info@cemenemba.org

CeMENEMBA Board Meeting
March 5, 2019 @6:30pm
Black & Tan, Augusta, ME

A regular CeMENEMBA board meeting was held on Tuesday, March 5th, at the Black & Tan restaurant in Augusta, starting at 6:30 pm.  Present were Disa F. VP and presiding officer, Justin L, Ian, Frank, Tracy Allen, Ted Scharf, Brian Walker, Brian Alexander, Matt Stone, Renee, and Garry.

Treasurer’s Report.  Justin gave the treasurer’s report.  He reported minimal financial activity during this period.  Cash on hand as of December 31, 2018 was $20,940.84.  Cash on hand as of March 5th, 2019 was $21,397.90.  Income for the period was $1,446 including a $1,000 donation and $467 in dues rebates.  Expenses were $909. 94, of which $900 was the stipends for the winter grooming at Roxy rand, LACC, and Range Pond.  The remainder was for miscellaneous.

Justin opined that getting the credit card in lieu of using the debit card was a bad idea, resulting in more hassle than it is worth in security.  He will investigate options.

Justin needs copies of all receipts for reimbursement, including a notation as to what the expenditure was for, where (the project), and who submitted it.  If you are submitting expenses, please provide this information.

Anne Sheppard needs copies of the 2018 meeting minutes for the financial audit.  (Garry provided NEMBA the minutes on March 6th.)  Minutes also should be available from our website.

Spring Social. The annual Spring Social and Auction will be April 27th at Van Der Brew in Winthrop starting about 4pm.  Agreed to order food from Winthrop House of Pizza and have them deliver as needed. Auction items are still needed.  We had 60 auction items last year.  As of this meeting, only 14 items have been pledged. (Additional items were pledged at the meeting.)

Treadfest Update.  Justin et. al. Treadfest is June 15th at Bond Brook.  Friday is the running events. Bike events on Saturday.  Camping Friday and Saturday night, with entertainment on Saturday evening.  Facebook page is seeing interest.  Need to set up the BikeReg registration site.  Discussed ordering items to sell, swag, and prizes.

Titcomb Women’s Clinic. Tracy Allen is in charge.  Agreed the registration fee would be $20, nonrefundable for no shows.

Membership Drive.  Will work the email list and Facebook reminder to encourage renewals, and will have sign ups at upcoming events.  Justin noted that NEMBA now offers automatic renewals.

Merchandise. Renee is in charge Disa had previously shared catalog links of possible items to purchase for resale.

Trail days.   Ricker Hill had extensive logging this winter and will need brush cleanup.  Signature Trail at Mt. Apatite has drainage issues which will need to be addressed.  Frank is working with an Edward Little class to bring students in for a trail maintenance day May 17th.  City of Auburn is promoting trail volunteerism.  After a hard winter all trails will need routine work.

There is a new Working Group in Auburn, dedicated to Mt. Apatite.  Brian W. noted that “you are here” signage is being developed based on our map.  The signage will be installed in the spring. CeMENEMBA is paying for the signs.

Frank reported that Mt. Apatite group rides now will meet and leave from the new Side-by-Each pub on Minot Avenue.  The power lines provide easy access to Mt. A. trails.

 Garry reported that the Manchester Conservation Commission has funds available (about $10,000) for trail development and maintenance in Manchester.  Looking at expansion at the Res/Junkyard area in Manchester.  Brian A to take a look, perhaps with Jean-Luc Theriault from the MCC.

Cape Cod Summit.  Disa and Justin are planning on attending.

CEMENEMBA App.  Brief discussion and demonstration of our ride and events app.  A work in progress.

Next Meeting.  We will meet on April 9th in advance of the spring social.  Meeting will be at the Black & Tan.  Social hour at 6:30, with the meeting to follow at about 7pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Garry Hinkley, Sec.

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