207-232-7174 info@cemenemba.org

CeMeNEMBA Meeting Minutes

January 15, 2019

The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular Board meeting on Tuesday, January 15th at 6:30 pm at the Black and Tan in Augusta.  Board members present included Pres. Chris Riley, Justin, Ian, Ted Scharf, Ryan, Tracy, Frank, Disa, and Garry.

Treasurer’s Report. Justin reported cash on hand of $20,840.84.  Previous report on 11/13/18 was $18,889.65 Income of $2959. Expenses of $1007.81.  Net $1,951.19. Income was from donations and chapter rebates. Expenses included $500 to John Waller for website; $100 for Titcomb lodge rental for Odyssey day event; $192 for hats for Odyssey.  The remainder was miscellaneous.

General agreement that the club should try to maintain a balance of approximately one year’s expenses.

With respect to upcoming summer work, it’s looking as if 2019 will mostly be a maintenance year.  There is a possibility of additional trail building at Mt. Appetite. Chris is working on a grant proposal.  Other possible projects might include some work in the Allen-Whitney forest and in the Manchester town forests adjacent to the Hallowell Res.  The Manchester Conservation Commission may be able to provide some financial support.

There have been some discussions relative to building trails in Lewiston.  

In the past, the club has made donations to area snowmobile clubs to support winter trail maintenance.  With the development and maintenance of winter single track trails at Roxy Rand, LACC, and Range Pond, it was agreed that it was more appropriate to support these trails.  A $300 stipend for each trail system was authorized. (total of $900.) Garry made the motion. Ryan seconded. It passed unanimously. Winter riders are encouraged to support their local snowmobile clubs.

Justin will be attending the Professional Mountain Bike Skills Trainer clinic at Kingdom Trails in April.  He then will put on local skills clinics, probably on Tuesday evenings opposite Tuesdays from TNTs. Also, short clinics prior to Wednesday Night rides.  

Events.  Treadfest will be June 15th at Bond Brook.  Spring Social and fundraiser was scheduled for April 27th, tentatively at Van Der Brew in Winthrop.  

Tracy Allen is organizing the women’s’ clinic.  

Maine Works has donated quite a few hand and power tools to the club.  These tools will be stored in the tool shed in Farmington.

The next meeting will be Tuesday March 5th at 6:30 at the Black and Tan, Augusta.  Since Chris will be away, VP Disa will preside.


Garry Hinkley, Sec.


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