207-232-7174 info@cemenemba.org

CeMENEMBA Board Meeting
January 14, 2018
Gritty MCDuffs, Auburn, ME

The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meeting on January 14, 2018 at Gritty McDuff’s restaurant in Auburn, ME, following a ride at the Lake Auburn Community Center.  The meeting came to order at approximately 4:00pm.  Board members present included Pres. Chris Riley, VP Frank, Ian, Brett, Ted Scharf, Brian A, Renee B, Treasurer Justin L, VP. Disa F, and secretary Garry Hinkley.

Proposed meeting schedule.  On a motion by Ian, agreed to meet bi-monthly starting in January 2018.  Brian seconded, and motion was approved. 

Treasurer’s report.  Justin presented an extensive reworking of the income and expense report.  The report provided a more detailed analysis of both revenues and expenditures by category.  The report showed a starting balance in January 2017 of $11,545.86.  Ending balance as of December 31 of $15,343.42.  Income was $43,960.76.  Expenses $39,323.72.   Net income $3,797.56. Justin’s report showed income by source, with the largest source being grants.  Largest expenses were for trail projects, with Quarry Road being the largest.

Chapter is owed approximately $2200 for Treadfest.

Discussed converting from using a credit card to a debit card.  Justin will pursue options.

Discussed pursuing an RTP grant for signage.  It was noted that due to trail construction, many of our maps already are out of date.

Discussed setting next year’s budget, but decided that rather than setting a firm budget we would do as we have been doing and assess our needs and expenses at each meeting and proceed as needed.

Reviewed 2017 Goals.  Chris led a review of our long-term goals.  He noted that we accomplished much of what we set out to do in our 2017 retreat.  Critical to that was having paid trail crew.  Also produced maps and some signage.  As far as we know we are still the only Maine chapter that regularly leads a ride every week during the “dirt season”.

Membership Renewals. Discussed options for increasing membership renewals.  Need to come up with membership incentives. 

Awards program.  Discussed creating a volunteer of the year award, with the prize possibly being a bike shop gift certificate (purchased at cost.)

Future grants.  Still have one year left on the Onion grant.  After that, our goal is to be self-supporting (with respect to that revenue.)  Will skip the RTP grant for 2018, but may try again in 2019.  May look into applying for a NEMBA signature grant.  *update(2/1/18): Chris met with representative from City of Auburn and they are excited about the possibility of the grant and will aid us with letters of support and act as a partner in the grant.

Spring Social.  The spring social will be April 28th @5pm at the Emporium in Readfield.  Event will include an auction.  Auction items are needed.  Goal for the auction is $5,000.

First Aid course.  Decided to look into an informational instruction class.  Informal, without a certificate. Brett and Disa to look into options for hosting a spring “trail first aid”.

Snowmobile Club donations. Moved and seconded to donate fifty dollars each to six local snowmobile clubs to support trail maintenance.  ($300 total.) Moved by Ted, and seconded by Brett.  Approved unanimously. 

Moved to reimburse Brian Alexander for gas and oil for grooming Kennebec Highlands trails.  Motion by Justin, and second by Ted.  Approved unanimously. 

Merchandise.  Acquiring Diva gear and possibly guys’ jerseys and hat for resale.

Calendar Items.

                Treadfest – June 16th

                Titcomb Womens clinic – July 7th.

Kids clinic and Ride.  Three days.  (spring/summer/fall).  Possible paid staff (stipend.)  planning for 12 kids@$20 each.

Odyssey ride – October 13th

Next meeting – March 13th @6:30 in Augusta

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