CeMENEMBA Board Meeting
February 3, 2020
Manchester Town Office
The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held a regular board meeting on Monday, February 3rd, at 6pm at the Manchester town office. Board members and officers present included Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa F, VP; Leslie Wilson, treasurer; Frank, Ian, Ryan Walker, Brian Alexander, Matt Swann (by phone), and Garry Hinkley, Secretary.
Treasurer’s report. Leslie reported a checking account balance of $27,856.22. There are some outstanding expenses to be reimbursed, mostly for winter grooming; and some pending pay pal transactions. As of 2/4 that paypal transaction had been completed. No outstanding income at this time.
Treadfest has been closed out.
Winter grooming. The winter has been rather fickle. Brian reported that the York Hill trails are groomed and riding well. He has made contact with the neighboring landowners, and reports no problems. Josh Staples has groomed the Allen-Whitney Forest at least twice. After the second grooming, warm weather set in, and walkers did some damage. Grooming at Range pond has been abandoned.
L/A area. The LACC barn/parking area has been sold and will no longer be a trail head as of next winter. The LACC trails will no longer be groomed for single track fat biking. The multiuse trails continue to be available. Donors raised the funds to purchase Dan Bilodeau’s grooming snowmobile which will be donated to CeMENEMBA. The snowmobile will be housed at Lost Valley for use in the Auburn area. Other grooming will continue on a volunteer/reimbursement basis.
Spring Social. It was agreed that the spring social will be Saturday, May 2nd. Location to be determined, but probably in the Augusta-Hallowell area. Chris will check with Cushnoc to see if their tasting room is available. Quarry Tap Room also was suggested. Tracy Allen was elected (in absentia) chair of the spring social. Ryan moved, Ted seconded, and the vote was unanimous for the date and chair.
We do need to start thinking about auction items. It was suggested that each board member should try to find four or five auction items to start us in the right direction and then we can seek community involvement for other items.
Treadfest 2020. Treadfest will be Saturday, June 20th at Bond Brook. There will be a simplified format this year, three races of 15, 25, or 50 KM. The plan is to have the racing over by noonish, with the remainder of the day for social riding, music and socializing. Registration is open.
Women’s Clinic. The women’s clinic will be July 11 at Quarry Road, Waterville. We need an event coordinator.
Projects and grants. Chris has been a grant writing demon. Several applications are in the works or pending, including an Inland Hospital grant for work and signage at Pine Ridge, and Outride/Specialized grant for continued work at Mt. Apatite, and a Signature grant for either Manchester woods or Highlands. With respect to the Signature grant, it was agreed to focus on the Highlands/A Trail-McGaffey Mountain project. The Manchester Woods (Manchester town forest) project will be deferred pending the outcome of the Manchester Conservation Commission/NPS planning project which is underway.
Need to finish the work in the Allen-Whitney Forest and close out that grant.
Nothing planned for Titcomb right now but there are allocated funds to clean up the trails from the logging work.
Need to finish the boardwalk trail at Bond Brook to connect Six Back to Dragon. This needs to be done prior to Treadfest.
Next meeting Monday, March 9th at 6pm, at the Manchester Town Office.
Respectfully submitted,
Garry Hinkley