CeMENEMBA Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2020
The Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association held its regular bi-monthly meeting on April 13th, by Zoom video conference. The meeting began at 6pm. Officers and members present by video included Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa, Frank, Ted Scharf, Tracy, Leslie Wilson, treasurer; Ian, Matt, Renee, and Garry Hinkley Sec.
Treasurer’s Report. Leslie reported a checking account balance of $28,155. In addition, we have received a NEMBA Signature grant for $10,000 to build an intermediate climbing trail in the Kennebec Highlands to compliment the A trail, and to make a loop. Also, we are expecting a $500 contribution from the Central Maine Cycling Club. Renee is to follow up on that contribution.
Northern Lights l has had to cancel (all) of their charitable grants for 2020. This means we will not be receiving $4,000 grant to do upgrades and repairs to Pine Ridge in Waterville. Discussed how much we could do PR within existing resources, and how to communicate the change to our membership. Agreed to try to make and install new signage. Any other major work would be deferred to the end of the season when resources can be evaluated.
NEMBA Signature Grant; A-Trail. Chris reported that our Signature grant award was increased from $5,000 to $10,000. This will allow us to construct a new complimentary intermediate climbing trail in the Kennebec Highlands, thereby making the A-trail a loop.
Allen-Whitney Onion Grant. Work will proceed on the A-W bridge and upgrades.
Trail crew. Discussed whether to try to start the trail crew earlier this year, due to students’ availability. Will probably have two paid crew members this year. Agreed to try to start earlier and to try to keep the crew through August. Chris needs to finish setting up the LLC to employ the crew.
Events postponements. Given the uncertainty of holding social events and other gatherings during the pandemic, we agreed to indefinitely postpone the spring social, Treadfest, and the Women’s Clinic. If conditions and schedules allow, we may consider trying some of these events later in the year. The Odyssey ride, scheduled for October, will remain on the calendar for now. The auction will be held open until the fall. Garry made the motion to postpone these events. Ian seconded. Without objection, motion approved.
Trail work. Agreed that we probably could not hold organized, formal trail work (TNT’s) for the foreseeable future. Volunteers may work individually, ideally with some coordination through our app. Trail masters/stewards should assess their respective trails and report any needs.
Hallowell Res agreement. Garry will contact Rosemary Presnar, Hallowell Conservation Commission chair, to set up a call with Chris to do the annual Res work review required by our MOU.
Mud Season signs. Chris asked for a motion to spend up to $250 to make 10-15 signs closing trails during mud season. Ted made the motion, and Tracey seconded. Unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Garry Hinkley, Sec.