CeMENEMBA Board Meeting
April 28, 2018
The CeMENEMBA Board of Directors held a board meeting on Saturday, April 28th at the Readfield Emporium, Readfield, ME. The meeting was called to order at approximately 4pm, and preceded our annual spring social and auction.
Board members present included Chris Riley, Pres.; Disa, VP; Matt Swann, VP; Frank, VP (by phone); Rene; Justin, Treasurer; Brett; Ted Scharf: and Garry Hinkley, Secretary.
Treasurer’s report. Justin reported cash on hand of $24,578.09. Income was $25, 832. Expenses $2561.01. See Justin’s complete report for more details. Principal income include $13,400 RTP grant reimbursement, and $10,000 NEMBA signature grant.
Approved applying for a new credit card with a $5,000 limit. Motion by GH/second by Justin. Unanimous. Agreed to spend up to $50 on Quickbooks accounting software.
Discussed moving the spring social to a weeknight.
Trail Forks – trial five dollar donation?
NEMBA signature grant. Will be used on improvements at Mt. Appetite. Work to start in July. Androscoggin Bank may help support.
Trail crew – Looks as if we will have three-four person trail crew for the summer. Most or all of last year’s crew is returning.
Treadfest will be a one day event this year.
Bond Brook Peabody project? 40/50 acre ?
Titcomb Women’s clinic – July 8th. $20 refundable reservation fee. Also looking at the possibility of a co-ed higher level clinic. Break even on costs.
Kid’s camp is up in the air. Chris and Disa are working on finding new instructors.
Need to finish the Pine Ridge Kids loop.
Next meeting. June 5th